How to find free of use wallpaper with Google?
If you want to use a nice image found online as your wallpaper are you allowed to do it? It is sometimes hard to be sure if a photograph, a logo, an image found online is free to use, and to avoid legal and financial repercussion it is important to know.
When you find a picture want to use while browsing the web, you can contact the owners of the website that displays the image but it's not always possible and you can't verify that the picture is really own by them. The quickest way to find legal images is with search engines.
Search engines such as Google have the option to filter your results by types of copyright licenses.
Whether it's for commercial or personal use you can follow these few easy steps:
- Go to google image search page.
- Make a search for the wanted image. You will have a lot of options but most of them are not free of use.
- Click on "Tools" underneath the search bar.
- Choose a license option, depending on your need:
- Not filtered by license
- Labeled for reuse with modification
- Labeled for reuse
- Labeled for noncommercial reuse with modification
- Labeled for noncommercial reuse
There will be fewer results, but you can have the peace of mind that those images are legal. Then you can use those images freely without having to worry about consequences.